Iranian official in Korea

South Korean police said Tuesday that they are investigating an official from Iran's Asian Games delegation over suspicions that he sexually harassed a female volunteer at a soccer stadium near the host city of Incheon.
The man, who has been banned from leaving the country, admitted touching the woman while taking a photo with her on Monday at Ansan Wa Stadium, one of the Asian Games soccer venues, but said he did not think his actions were illegal, police inspector Park Min-joo said.
The man has not been taken into custody, but is being investigated and will be further questioned before police decide whether to send the case to prosecutors for possible indictment, Park said.

Bruce Lee from the Incheon Asian Games Organizing Committee said the suspect is a 38-year-old equipment manager for Iran's national soccer team. The woman, a college student, reported the incident to police on Monday.
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South Korean police said on Tuesday they have charged an official with Iran’s Asian Games delegation with sexual harassment and banned him from leaving the country following a complaint by a female volunteer at a soccer stadium